NRC for Assam to be published on August 31

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Assam is the only state in the country where the NRC updation exercise is taking place.


The National Register of Citizens, NRC for Assam will be published this Saturday.

The state government has said it will provide free legal aid to needy people whose names do not figure in the NRC.

Besides the government, the state’s ruling BJP and opposition Congress have also extended their help to the needy people left out of NRC. 

According to sources, all necessary arrangements are being made to provide legal aid to needy people through District Legal Services Authorities.

The free legal services include fees for processing, drafting, typing, clerking and remuneration of lawyers impaneled with the state legal service authority.

The people who are left out of the NRC will not be detained under any circumstances until the Foreigners Tribunals declare them foreigners.

Only Foreigners Tribunals are empowered to declare a person a foreigner. Therefore, non-inclusion of a person’s name in NRC does not by itself amount to him or her being declared as a foreigner.

Assam is the only state in the country where the NRC updation exercise is taking place. 

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