Only change of mindset can counter water crisis says Manipur Governor

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“There are many philanthropists who will not hesitant to donate money to promote rain water harvesting. But it is not the donors but a change of the mind-set of people that is necessary to make the nation mission of rain water harvesting a success,”

Lelen Vaiphei

Interim Governor of Manipur, Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya while promoting rainwater harvesting in the state has urged the people to drive in to make the state a water-smart state by adopting water harvesting in a big way. The Governor had been distributing water storage tanks to several institutes to promote rainwater harvesting.

“There are many philanthropists who will not hesitate to donate money to promote rainwater harvesting. But it is not the donors but a change of the mindset of people that is necessary to make the national mission of rainwater harvesting a success,” said the Governor.

PB Acharya who is the full-time governor of Nagaland is nearing completion of his tenure. While recalling his governorship to date he said that he performed his duties with satisfaction but still have the desire to do something more for the society as a human being and as a citizen. The Nagaland Governor was recently sworn in as an interim governor of Manipur with the incumbent Manipur governor, Najma Heptulla, going on leave.

Governor Acharya also distributed certificates to the participants of a 3-day Computer Workshop for School Students and Teachers at Raj Bhawan today. The workshop held at four districts of Manipur – Imphal East, Imphal West, Ukhrul and Churachandpur districts – was organised by Upanagar Shikshan Mandal, Vidyanidhi Mumbai under the sponsorship of Saraswati Bank, Mumbai and motivated by Indian National Fellowship Centre, Mumbai.

Addressing the gathering, the Governor, PB Acharya appreciated the organiser for conducting such a time in the given IT-driven world and said that the present generation should be provided enough opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and enthusiasm to explore new ideas.

“As the future depends on the potentiality of the youth, it is the responsibility of every individual to guide them in the right path,” the governor said.

He further said that students should not only concentrate on learning new things but also focus on preserving their identity. “The peculiarity of India is its unity in diversity. This should always be kept in mind among the youth of the state”, he asserted and advised every child to consider their mother language as the most invaluable asset.

 As a part of the programme, library books were also distributed to schools by the governor’s staff.

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