Our Policies are mainly focusing on the development of the young generation. Our aim is to provide more attention to the development of education, employability, green economy and tourism: Chief minister of Sikkim

Sikkim Chief Minister, Prem Singh Tamang shows green signal towards the center’s decision on J& K issue. By welcoming Prime minister’s decision He affirmed that center’s move on banning article 370 and separate the valley into two territories would not influence the administrative of Himalayan tiny state Sikkim. In a press conference held at Siliguri Greater Lions Eye hospital, he highlighted Home minister’s speech in Lok sabha, Where Amit Shah told that states under special provisions 371(f) like Sikkim would not be affected.
Article 371(f) provides special responsibility towards the state Governor for maintaining peace, equability arrangement and socio-economical advancement of the state. In the case of Sikkim, all the Governor’s activity will be done under President consent. President is the only one who is responsible for taking any provision or amendment in case of the administrative function. About Darjeeling issue, He argued that this is purely the matter between the state and the government. Although he confronts that there is no point to merge Darjeeling with Sikkim as this state is guided by 371(f) as special provisions. ‘We have a different status and there cannot be any modification’, he told.
He said finally Sikkim comes out from all the negativity after 25 years of rule. Taking a look back on the previous government’s declaration about Sikkim as an ‘Organic State’ he argued all the propaganda was only limited within pen and paper. Praising about his party’s activity he revealed, ‘Our Policies are mainly focusing on the development of the young generation. Our aim is to provide more attention to the development of education, employability, green economy and tourism’. About airport closing issues he added due to technical glitch and weather conditions had stopped the service. As soon as possible these issues will be resolved.