Pakistan’s attempt at pushing through a resolution against India at United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) fell flat as not a single country supported it

Pakistan’s isolation in international community has been exposed as it once again faced a major embarrassment over its stand on Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan’s attempt at pushing through a resolution against India at United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) fell flat as not a single country supported it.
It had alleged India had violated human rights in Kashmir and claimed to gather support of more than 50 countries.

Kumam Mini Devi, India’s first secretary in the permanent mission at the UNHRC, criticised Pakistan over its human rights record. She alleged that a country which itself has violated the human rights of its own people at Baluchistan has no right to interfere in the Kashmir issue, which is an internal matter of India.
Pakistan is trying to internationalise the Kashmir issue from the day Article 370 was scrapped and the clamp down by India Government on communication and restriction on movement with multiple arrests of civilians who are expected to create unrest.
India is maintaining that the clampdown is to maintain the law and order situation so that terrorists and separatists supported by Pakistan can not create disturbance in the state.
India has maintained a large defense and paramilitary forces in Kashmir but had advocated that there has been no death due to any violence or law and order maintenance exercises.
Government of India is promising development and golden era for the state in upcoming days.
The response of international community goes well with the interest of India and Pakistan lay exposed of its status vis a vis International community, more significant being the silence of Islamic countries as well as China.