PM celebrates Diwali with Armed Forces in Kargil

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“We follow the traditions where war is considered as the last option”, PM Modi remarked


Keeping in with his tradition of spending Diwali with armed forces, the Prime Minister spent this Diwali with the forces in Kargil.

Addressing the brave jawans, the Prime Minister said that the reverence for the soil of Kargil always draws him toward the brave sons and daughters of the armed forces. “For years, you have been a part of my family”, the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister underlined that the sweetness of Diwali increases in the presence of the jawans and the light of Diwali that is present among them emboldens his spirit.“On one side there are the sovereign borders of the nation, and on the other committed soldiers, On one we have the love of the soil of the motherland, and on the other, there are braveheart jawans. I could not have expected a Diwali of such magnitude anywhere else”. The Prime Minister remarked that India gleefully celebrates these sagas of valour and bravery that are part of our traditions and cultures. “Today, from the victorious lands of Kargil,” the Prime Minister said, “I wish a very happy Diwali to everyone in India and the world.”

“We follow the traditions where war is considered as the last option”, PM Modi remarked. He said that India is always in favour of world peace. “We are against war, but peace is not possible without strength.” He further added that our armies have the capability and the strategy, and if someone looks at us, then our armies also know how to give a befitting reply to the enemy in their own language.

Greetings | KRCFoundation

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