Prime Minister Narendra Modi, amidst his packed election schedule took a moment between his rallies in Assam to witness the ‘Surya Tilak’ ritual of Ram Lalla at the Ayodhya Temple on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, amidst his packed election schedule took a moment between his rallies in Assam to witness the ‘Surya Tilak’ ritual of Ram Lalla at the Ayodhya Temple on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami.
Sharing pictures on social media from inside his aircraft, PM Modi was seen watching a recording of the event, capturing the rays of the sun illuminating the forehead of Ram Lalla. The Prime Minister, barefoot, expressed that this moment was deeply emotional for him, echoing the sentiments of millions of Indians.
PM Modi’s post on social media conveyed his reverence for the historic event in Ayodhya and expressed hope that the ‘Surya Tilak’ would bring energy and inspire the nation to achieve new heights of glory.
Prior to the rally in Assam, PM Modi had shared a live link of the Ram Lalla idol at the Ayodhya Temple, underscoring the significance of the occasion for him.
The unique event at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya saw the forehead of the Ram Lalla idol anointed with sunlight, known as ‘Surya Tilak,’ at noon on Ram Navami. The ritual, meticulously orchestrated through an elaborate system involving mirrors and lenses, was made possible by a team of scientists commissioned by the temple trust.
The moment of the ‘Surya Tilak’ filled devotees with joy, resonating with chants of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ across Ayodhya and temples nationwide. Celebrations included song and dance outside the Ram Janambhoomi Mandir, marking the first Ram Navami since the idol’s Pran Pratishtha by PM Modi on January 22. The darshan at the temple commenced at 3:30 am, with the festivities broadcasted on approximately 100 LED screens throughout the city and on the trust’s social media platforms.