Power projects in Tripura get a sanction of Rs 2000 Cr from Asian Development Bank

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Asian Development Bank has sanctioned 1,925 crore rupees project for up-gradation of power generation and distribution in Tripura.


The Deputy Chief Minister and Power Minister Jishnu Dev Varma told that the amount was recently sanctioned to the Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited after the state government had sought the ADB’s assistance.

Asian Development Bank has sanctioned an amount of 1,925 crore rupees for project up-gradation of power generation and distribution in Tripura.

The minister said that the project has been sanctioned for upgrading capacity of 63 MW Rokhia Project to 120 MW at an estimated cost of over 699 crores and modernising Gumti Hydro Electric Project at an estimated cost of nearly 1225 crore rupees.

Rokhia project is located at West Tripura district whereas, Gumti project is in Gomati district.

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