Prime Minister Takes a Serious Note of Attendance of the Ministers

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The Prime Minister have asked MPs to remain focused towards their constituencies and attend Parliament regularly taking their roster duties seriously.


Prime Minister Narendra  Modi, asked his party to prepare a list of all absentee ministers who were absent from duty on 16th July, Tuesday 2019, despite being on the roster.

Every day the ministers of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, are assigned two hours of duty and the opposition is to report to the Prime Minister in case a minister fails to appear in the parliament.

At BJP’s weekly parliamentary party meeting, Modi had asked the party members to prepare a  list of the ministers who skipped their parliamentary duties.

Stressing on the idea that the first impression is the last impression, Modi urged his ministers to pay attention to their constituencies and come up with new innovative ideas. He emphasised that the MP’s need to work as a team with officers and focus on animal welfare as in this season it is very likely for animals to fall sick.

The MP’s were instructed to be regular with their attendance and exercise their roster duties seriously. His main mission is to target socially relevant issues such as tuberculosis, leprosy or disability till 2025  with the help of sincere efforts of all MPs.

Earlier too, at the beginning of the month, he had targeted lawmakers who spoil the image of the party and wanted sincerity from all workers. He also had expressed his displeasure with Akash Vijayvargiya, son of veteran BJP leader Kailash Vijavargiya, for assaulting a civic official with a bat during a demolition drive in Indore.

He holds the opinion that BJP leaders had put in years of hard work and such incidents spoil the name and image of the party.  He strictly conveyed his message that no amount of bad behavior will be tolerated by him from anyone’s end. 

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