R N Ravi is the New Nagaland Governor

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R N Ravi’s appointment as the Governor of Nagaland is a hopeful move towards ongoing political dialogue between Naga National Political Groups and the Centre


R N Ravi, who is the government’s interlocutor for Naga peace talks, has been appointed as the Governor of Nagaland on Saturday. Nagaland was among the six states to get new governors. Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio said that he is looking forward to working with Ravi to bring ‘lasting peace’.

Ravi has retired as a special director of the Intelligence Bureau in 2012. He was appointed as a chairperson of the Joint Intelligence Committee in 2014 for three years. He was the Centre’s interlocutor in 2015 when the government signed a framework agreement for a settlement of the Naga question with the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isaac-Muivah), the largest of the Naga armed groups.

Demand for a sovereign Naga homeland had risen militancy issues that goes back six decades. Though over the decades, the Naga militancy split into several factions. With the agreement that was signed, the NSCN(IM) was believed to have dropped its demand for secession and had agreed to a settlement within the bounds of the Indian Constitution.

After the accord was signed, Ravi also drew six other Naga armed groups, now called Naga National Political Groups, into the talks. Ravi has been instrumental in signing a second agreement with the working committee formed by these groups on November 17, 2017.

Even though, Alezo Venuh, who is a co-ordinator in the ongoing political dialogue between Naga National Political Groups and the Centre, said that Ravi’s appointment as Governor came as a surprise.

The talks, however, appeared to have reached a standby over the last year. According to sources, Ravi’s responsibilities as an interlocutor in the Nagaland will remain unchanged after being appointed as Governor.

Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio said he hoped Ravi’s appointment as governor would send a good message to the people of the state.

 Rio on his Twitter mentioned, “I look forward to working with him [Ravi] in our common endeavour to uplifting our people and bringing lasting peace”.

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  1. Raviji is well known to me. He is a dry honest ànd intelligent officer. He must be successful in all facet of life. God bless him always hale and hearty.

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