Rakesh Banik the first para cyclist from the Northeast who completed numerous adventurous endeavours on the road will be the brand ambassador at Pabitora on 3rd June on the occasion of World Bicycle Day and take part in Mystical Mayong Cycling Tour

Rakesh Banik the first para cyclist from the Northeast who completed numerous adventurous endeavours on the road will be the brand ambassador at Pabitora on 3rd June on the occasion of World Bicycle Day and take part in Mystical Mayong Cycling Tour.

The celebration of World Bicycle Day will take place at Mayong where a village tour of Pabitora will take place.

The participants will also get a certificate of participation.
According to Rakesh Banik, ‘His belief in the blessings of mankind has more relevance to the blessings of the Almighty’

Rakesh hails from Ambgan in Nagaon district of Assam and on June 11, 2012, he met with an accident which led to his right leg above knee amputed. Rakesh lost his leg but not his hope. A year later he went for a prosthetic limb.
Rakesh Banik did not sit idle and underwent intensive training of professional cycling at Hyderabad and from there was no looking back from him.