Every village in India should have an RSS Shakha and the Swayamsevaks should lead the society from the front: Dr. Bhagwat

The nation should be the priority for everyone. Leaving aside all differences we have to work tirelessly for the welfare of the nation, thus said Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat, while addressing a conclave of Swayamsevaks and Karyakartas at Hajongbari locality in the city on Sunday.
Attending the concluding program of the three-day (9 to 11 December) Prerona Shivir (inspiration camp), held at Chandrapur Vidyabharati School in Chandrapur, where over two thousand volunteers belonging to RSS’s Uttar Asom Prant unit participated, the RSS chief added that the organised effort can only bring success in any work or assignment.

“Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar established RSS in 1925 with the aim to develop human resources. We may have differences in opinions but not in our minds. RSS is completing its hundred years of existence and it continues to attract new blood every year. Now the sixth generation has come forward to work for the nation,” commented Dr. Bhagwat.
Speaking about the weakness in the society, he stated that Dr. Hedgewar started working to strengthen the Indian society so that the people of the great country can attain actual independence. He asserted that a weak society can not enjoy the fruits of political freedom. The Sarsanghchalak lauded the Swayamsevaks who dedicated their lives to nation-building maintaining a good character always.

Revealing that the activities of Swayamsevaks are silently observed by other people in the society, Dr. Bhagwat urges the RSS volunteers to dedicate their time and energy to them. He also opined that every village in India should have an RSS Shakha and the Swayamsevaks should lead the society from the front. With a full conviction for India’s pride and heritage, the Swayamsevaks should work for the nation’s progress.
Thousands of RSS Swayamsevaks displayed their physical and artistic exercises in front of Dr. Bhagwat and a four thousand strong audience. The RSS Sarsanghchalak, who arrived in the city Saturday night also interacted with the Swayamsevaks and Karyakartas in the morning hours, informed Kishor Shivam, Prant Prachar Pramukh of the RSS Uttar Asom unit.
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