10 technical sessions were conducted on these two days

A two-day international seminar on “Science and Technology in Sanskrit” was held on December 09 and 10 on the initiative of the Sanskrit Department of Assam University and in collaboration with Sanskrit Bharati. This seminar was organized with the support of the Center of Indian Knowledge System, Assam University, and North East India Company. Associate Professor of the Sanskrit Department of the University.

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Dr. Govind Sharma was the coordinator of this seminar where Sanskrit and Science scholars from different parts of the country presented their research papers. The seminar was held at Bipinchandra Pal Auditorium of Assam University.
Vice-Chancellor of Assam University Professor Rajive Mohan Pant presided over the inaugural session. The keynote address was delivered by Prof. Satyanarayan Chakraborty, a retired professor, at Rabindra Bharati University. Dr. Raghunath Nepal was the guest of honor in the session from Nepal Sanskrit University, Dr. Jambugahapitiye Dhammaloka from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka attended a session online, and Dr. Shankar Bhattacharya, President, of Sanskrit Bharati Purvottar Bharata. Head of Department of Sanskrit, Assam University Dr. Snigdha Das Roy, Professor Dr. Bhagirathi Biswas, Professor Dr. Shanti Pokhrel, and Professor A. Nataraju, Director of the Center of Indian Knowledge System at the Assam University including other Sanskrit scholars were present.
A total of 37 research papers in offline mode and 47 research papers online were presented by participants from different parts of the country and abroad. A total of 10 technical sessions were conducted on these two days. An exhibition of Sanskrit science was also held at the venue.
Vice-Chancellor of Assam University Professor Rajive Mohan Pant said that the Sanskrit language is scientifically rich and the mother of all languages. He also said that this language is the language of all, it should be promoted and spread and in the future, it should be considered the national language.
The coordinator of the seminar Dr. Govind Sharma said that the seminar was the result of the efforts of other members of the Sanskrit Department of Assam University, professors, research scholars, and postgraduate students. Scholars from other departments such as Physics Dept., Chemistry Dept., Hindi Dept., Visual Arts Dept., Philosophy Dept. etc. participated in this seminar and presented their views. Dr. Govind commented that many new things were learned through this seminar.
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