School in Manipur come under bomb attack

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The bomb which was wrapped in a white polythene bag was discovered by the chowkidar of the Imphal Public School (IPS), Canchipur, Imphal west early in the morning. State bomb disposal squad along with local police upon getting information rush to the spot and diffused the IED safely.

Lelen Vaiphei

Amidst continuing campaign by students’ teacher’s bodies to make educational institutes violent free zones in insurgency affected Manipur, a powerful improvised explosive device, IED, was found at the gate of a popular private high school in Imphal on Saturday.

 The bomb which was wrapped in a white polythene bag was discovered by the chowkidar of the Imphal Public School (IPS), Canchipur, Imphal west early in the morning.  State bomb disposal squad along with local police upon getting information rush to the spot and diffused the IED safely.

 Peeved at the incident, students, teachers along with local residents of the area staged sit-in-protest at school gate decrying the bomb threat at educational institutions. Condemning the incident one of the protestors said planting bombs at school should not be repeated. He added that If the bomb had exploded, many students including other people in the surrounding area of the school would have been maimed or injured. Further, the protestor appealed to make a violent free zone for all educational institutes in the state and demanded that the miscreants should clarify why the bomb was planted instead of negotiation.

 School authority clarifying on the matter stated that they have not received any demand or threat from any of the proscribed organizations operating in the state. Normally armed outfits employ bomb threats to extort money from the government as well as private institutes in the name of seeking monetary support for the so-called armed struggle, going in the state.

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