Six Rohingyas arrested at Imphal airport

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According to the Manipur domicile Aadhaar card possessed by them, three out of six persons were having Manipur address while the remaining three had Hyderabad address. Further investigation revealed that all six were unable to authenticate their origin, purpose of visit and destinations. The DIG added that the police conclude that the six Rohingyas entered into the country using forged documents and bribing corrupt officers with the help of some of unscrupulous agents.

Lelen Vaiphei

Manipur Police arrested six Rohingyas from Myanmar with fake Aadhaar cards on them from the international Imphal airport on Sunday. The illegal immigrants identified themselves as Yarzarlin (27), s/o Aung Niwat of Kunblu, Mandalay, Min Min Oo (29), s/o Win Tin of Myeik, Myanmar, Soe Ko Ko (23), s/o Kyaw Ko Ko of Myeik Myanma, Moe Sat Naing (27), s/o Hasi @ Khai Maung Myint of Pyinmanar, Myanmar, Nyi Nyi Soe ( 25), s/o Uchien of Myeik, Taninrharyi, Myanmar and Zaw Min Than(24), s/o Oo Tin Than of Yangoon, Myanmar.

DIG Range 1, Themthing Ngashangva said interrogation revealed that they were trained in Madrasas in Delhi and other parts of the county and their documents including Aadhaar cards were arranged by some agents including those from Manipur.

DIG Range 1, Themthing Ngashangva with the two Sos of Imphal West and East, briefing the media.

The DIG further said that the arrest was possible due to intelligence input that that some illegal immigrants would be coming from Delhi to Imphal on indigo flight on August 10. The six foreign nationals arrived from Delhi via the morning flight and were detained for verification by the alert Foreigner  Check Post personnel and a team of Imphal East team  on duty at airport, led by inspector, Th. Gojen Singh.

Themthing revealed that only one among the six illegal immigrants could speak Hindi while the rest were surprisingly fluent in Manipuri and English.  

According to the Manipur domicile Aadhaar card possessed by them, three out of six persons were having Manipur address while the remaining three had Hyderabad addresses. Further investigation revealed that all six were unable to authenticate their origin, purpose of visit and destinations. The DIG added that the police conclude that the six Rohingyas entered into the country using forged documents and by bribing corrupt officers with the help of some unscrupulous agents. 

Three out of the six were identified by their Aadhaar card records as Mohammad Yusuf, s/o Mohammad Moosa of Govajang, Chandel, Abdul Qadir s/o Mohammad Dawood and Mohammad Saleh s/o Mohammad Ali of Bamon leikai, Yairipok.

A case has been registered at a local police station. Among the items recovered from their possession were Aadhaar cards, plane tickets, ATM card issued in the name of Hoe Myint Naing of Yangon, Myanmar.

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