Sports Minister Acts Tough

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On a day when we show our respect to Teachers across India, this action by alert Sports Minister is equally an indicator of the responsibilities we have to shoulder in order to play our roles in the society.

Biswadeep Gupta

Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister  of State for Youth Affairs and Sports has acted tough against a swimming coach who was found to have misused his position and tried to molest a girl swimmer under his training.  

Kiren in a tweet today had informed ‘I’ve taken a strong view of the incident. The Goa Swimming Association has terminated the contract of coach Surajit Ganguly. I’m asking the Swimming Federation of India to ensure that this coach is not employed anywhere in India. This applies to all Federations & disciplines.

Earlier yesterday he had promptly replied to the incident and promised stringent action condemning the incident and asking police to take immediate action.

Terminated coach Surajit Ganguli who is alleged to have molested his trainee

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