The Nagaland Start-up portal has been developed to enable start-ups from the state to register online and apply for recognition under ‘Start-up Nagaland’ by logging in to the portal which has been uploaded at

Chief Secretary, Temjen Toy launching the ‘Start-up India in Nagaland’ portal at the Chief Secretary’s conference hall, Kohima on 16th August 2019 said that it was the right time and the right initiative to introduce this portal by providing the most enabling ecosystem to support and nurture start-up entrepreneurs in the State as our youth need mentorship and guidance.
Having a ‘Start-up policy’ will help the aspiring youth to become successful entrepreneurs and mentioned that through this portal along with the constant support of the start-up cell, unemployed youths will get assistance and an environment to start and venture out their own line of business. He also expressed his gratitude to the Industries and Commerce department for initiating this portal and hoped that through this many youths will be benefited and makes them at par with other entrepreneur of the state.
Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Lithrongla G. Chishi, IAS said that Start-up India in Nagaland will facilitate start-ups to access the various resources of the ‘Start-up Eco System’ available in the State. It will create an enabling environment to address the aspirations of youth and to engage with all stakeholders of Start-up eco-system for strengthening the start-ups with appropriate incubation & mentoring infrastructure, to develop human capital, to provide fast track statutory support and network of appropriate funding agencies.
The Nagaland Start-up portal has been developed to enable start-ups from the state to register online and apply for recognition under ‘Start-up Nagaland’ by logging in to the portal which has been uploaded at This portal will provide the youth with incentives and programs available under the state ‘Start-up policy’.
She also mentioned that the department has really work hard in coming up with the start-up policies and thanked the IT department for the commendable work in designing and developing the website in short span of time.