Student warns of agitation against ill staffed university

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The PG students have already lost five days of academic activity after teachers went on a strike following their voluntary withdrawal from PG engagements.

Lelen Vaiphei

Postgraduate students of Arts stream in Dhanamanjuri University, Manipur on Friday cried foul over stoppage of classes since 15 June due non-availability of PG teachers in the university. 
This development comes after teachers who have to teach the PG students went on strike demanding regularization of their post as PG teachers.  
Since inception, the graduate teachers of the newly converted university were made to conduct the PG classes without any official appointment or engagement.  Now they are demanding officialization. 
“The PG students have already lost five days of academic activity after teachers went on a strike following their voluntary withdrawal from PG engagements. Despite the loss, the authorities have not taken up any initiatives to redress the fallout,” said Leishangthem Nonglemba, a political science PG student of the university. 
Nonglemba further expressed worries that with things as they are and their end semester exams approaching but the syllabus yet to be covered, they fear that they will not be in a position to appear their exam successfully.
“We only knew recently that our PG teachers are not officially appointed or utilised as PG teachers even though they have been teaching since the inception of the University. But it is not fair that the students are made to suffer because of that,” Nonglemba said.
Meanwhile, general secretary, DM College of Arts Teachers’ Forum, K. Indramani clarified that the teachers who teach postgraduate students at DM University were never officially appointed or utilised by the government as a recognised teacher for the PG students.
Without any benefit, the teachers have been teaching the students, he pointed out while contending that the government never acknowledge the efforts of the teachers. The teachers frame the syllabus, teach classes, conduct exams without any benefit in the interest of the students but we can no longer bear the government apathy, he asserted.
Even after a year of becoming a Full-fledged university, the Dhanamanjuri University ironically neither has an academic council for the university nor syndicate members.
The teachers are thus compelled to stop teaching the PG students as the classes for graduation were also greatly affected as there were no new appointments of teachers for teaching PG classes, Indramani said. 
He also maintained that the teachers will continue with their strike until the government acknowledge the efforts of the teachers and make official appointments or utilisation. 
Dhanmanjuri University was established under the Scheme of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) as part of its the fulfilment of one its primary components to convert colleges to cluster universities. 
The university is presently functioning from Dhana Manjuri College situated in the heart of Imphal city. The university came into existence under the Dhanamanjuri University Act, 2017 which came into force on 6 April 2018 through a notification in Manipur gazette published by the Department of Higher and Technical education Manipur.

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