Swasthya Bhawan Quit Smoking

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If any smokers want to take puff then he should step out of the complex.


From August onwards West Bengal Swasthya Bhawan will be considered as the No –Tobacco Zone. One of seniors officials of Kolkata Swasthya Bhawan told that smoking would be completely prohibited in the Swasthya Bhawan building, if anyone caught with this mistake he will pay casualty as per the anti-tobacco law.

Under West Bengal Prohibition act of smoking and spitting and protections of the health of non-smokers and Minors Act 2001 there is a provision of penalty it may extend up to Rs 1000 for the first time. Such an initiative will spread a strong message to society to stop smoking.

One can smoke on Nabanna or in Writers building as there are sufficient free spaces.

Even there are Smoke alarms if anyone does smoke on corridors of Writer’s building it started to whistle. Other officials of Swasthya Bhawan said if any smokers want to take puff then he should step out of the complex.

What about the usage of tobacco and in the toilets or the garden area? He replied they would be initially appealing to the staff and officials and then assign officials to penalize the offenders.

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