Tawang observes Maj Bob Khathing Day

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Tawang observed Major Bob Khathing Day at Tawang War Memorial on Wednesday.
The national flag was unfurled and a wreath laid at Major Khathing’s memorial


Tawang observed Major Bob Khathing Day at Tawang War Memorial on Wednesday.

The national flag was unfurled and a wreath laid at Major Khathing’s memorial.

 Deputy commissioner in-charge Wathai Mossang, Tawang Brigade Commander Brig V.S Rajput and all other ranks paid tribute to Major Khating.

 Major Khathing consolidated the Shimla Pact of 1914 and made Tawang an integral part of India on 6 February, 1951.

 Mossang acknowledged Major Khating’s role in establishing Tawang’s administrative setup without bloodshed. He said that Major Khating was not just a soldier but also a civil servant and diplomat.

 “Major Khathing, who arrived in Tawang in February 1951, integrated Tawang into India peacefully, involving the local community,” Mossang said.

 Tawang Brigade Commander Brig V.S Rajput emphasized Major Khathing’s multifaceted roles as a teacher, soldier, civil servant and diplomat, underscoring the diverse contributions individuals make to national development.

 Students presented patriotic songs and speeches highlighting Major Khathing’s life and contributions.

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