“Earlier in March, a leopard was trapped in net after it killed and ate a goat of the village, “ said the village leader.

In a remote border village of Manipur, there is a fear spreading that a tiger is on prowl with as many as 16 domesticated goats and 11 cattles fallen prey to the predator.
Cattle and goats have been reportedly attacked by wild animals suspected to be tigers for the past few days in the border village of Chakha village in Senapati district near the State’s border with Nagaland.
Former secretary of Chakha village, P Namcha said, “such attacks by predators, suspected to be tigers have happened in the past.”
“Earlier in March, a leopard was trapped in net after it killed and ate a goat of the village, “ said the village leader.
Villagers say the predator this time around isn’t leopard but a much bigger animal of prey.

Since the past few days, cattles and goats, reared about 5/6 Kms away, from the village disappear or were dragged away every day. So far the predators have claimed 16 goats and 11 cattles.
According to a local hunter, the predator is said to be huge.
Meanwhile, Forest Minister Th. Shyamkumar said Forest officials including experts have rushed to Senapati-Nagaland border area to investigate into the matter and study the footprints of the said animal. Considering losses incurred by the villagers, the Forest Minister said, “compensation will be paid as per guidelines of such cases.

District Forest Officer, DFO Senapati, John Sha said wildlife wing of Forest Dept will set up camera traps to study the predator.
Forest Department official said camera traps already laid in and around the village and adjoining forest areas earlier to study if there are any tigers and elephants in the areas are still active and would have picked up images of the predators. The official said that the department would check the images captured by these cameras before confirmation what the predator is,