Walking Back Towards Good Health

2 - minutes read |

We all know that walking is good for health. But now the best part is that, walking backward is even more beneficial. Studies have revealed that backward walking have some serious good health boost.


By putting one foot in front of the other, step by step we cover different distances on foot. Rarely do spend much time to think about the process. Since we are so used to walking forwards, it is tough to suddenly start trying to walk backward. 

But there are quite several good reasons why we should walk backward. It may sound strange or silly at first, but if one takes a closer look at the technique, one will see that it has tons of benefits for physical and mental health

Walking backward sharpens the senses and mental clarity. Along with that it improves coordination and boosts body consciousness. It adds in variety to training and strengthens leg muscles that are less used.

It helps in decreasing lower back pain, putting less strain on the knees yet speeds up the body’s metabolism. It increases energy levels, improving sleep quality. It helps in strengthening the heart.

In order to reap all the benefits, one should walk backward three to four times per week for 10 to 15 minutes.

Since we practice “normal walking” every day without thinking about it, the body and the brain are forced to adapt to new, unfamiliar demands when one starts walking in reverse. In China walking backward is already becoming a part of everyday life.

After walking backward is practiced extensively and one gets comfortable with it. One can even move on to running backwards. The School of Healthcare Sciences in Cardiff researched the benefits this provides for the body.

The study discovered that pain in the front of the knee can be reduced by running backward. Another study, conducted at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, showed that a combination of running forwards and backward can improve cardiorespiratory fitness too.

To run backward, one should make ensure to practice walking backward a lot. The best way to do this is on a treadmill because one can have railings to hold onto. Start slowly and work up to a fast walk. After reaching a higher speed on the treadmill, one can carefully try jogging backward. This is especially beneficial to people struggling with knee pain.

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