Sweets were also distributed to the daily wagers working along Indo – Myanmar border

Units and Sectors under command of HQ IGAR (South) celebrated 74th Independence Day 2020 throughout the state on 15th Aug 2020.

9 Sector Assam Rifles along with all its Battalions celebrated this significant day with students and parents of Assam Rifles Public School (ARPS). The troops, as well as the children, participated with full zeal and vigour in their traditional attires. As part of celebrations and to thrive the efforts towards relentlessly pursuing the “Go Green” initiative, the Battalions of 9 Sector Assam Rifles carried out tree plantations at various locations.

Mantripukhri Batallion carried out a wreath-laying and flag-hoisting at the Battalion Head Quarter along with flag-hoisting at all Company Operating Bases (COB). The program also had a compilation of patriotic songs to boost the patriotic fervour and remind everyone of the sacrifices made by our predecessors to safeguard our motherland. Likewise, Keithelmanbi Batallion carried out tree plantation inside the Keithelmanbi Garrison and at Hanuman Top COB and planted 275 saplings to mark the occasion. Thoubal Batallion in collaboration with Forest Department carried out tree plantation drives at the Batallion Head Quarter and all its Company Operating Bases in which 2044 Saplings were planted. Celebration of the 74th Independence day by 9 Sector AR and all its Batallions infused a feeling of patriotism amongst the locals and a sense of giving back to mother nature amongst its personnel.

Similarly, Chandel Battalion celebrated the 74th Independence Day with the children of the Orphanage Home, Hnatham village, Chandel. The celebration at the school started with the hoisting of the National Flag and singing of the National Anthem. The Orphanage home was running short of stationery items and clothes, therefore to fulfil their dire needs Note-books, Pencils and Dresses were distributed on the occasion. To instil a sense of pride and patriotism, national flags were distributed to children. The children participated with lots of zeal and enthusiasm. The endeavour of the Assam Rifles in promoting peace, harmony and sense of patriotism was appreciated by Children and staffs of the Orphanage Home.

Moreh Battalion also celebrated 74th Independence day with Jehovah Jireh Children’s Home, Moreh. Approximately 40 kids and staffs of the Children Home enthusiastically participated in the Independence Day celebration. Apart from the distribution of sweets and cupcakes, kids were also motivated to do well in academics so as to have a successful future and to contribute positively towards nation-building. The effort by the Moreh Battalion was well appreciated by the Orphanage Staff for celebrating Independence Day with kids and inculcating the sense of patriotism in young minds. Sweets were also distributed to the daily wagers working along Indo – Myanmar Border.