The Vice President of India remembers Sri Vedanta Desikan

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A spiritual teacher honoured


The Vice President termed Sri Vedanta Desikan’s scholarship as truly outstanding and said that he had authored brilliant poems, prose, drama, epics, commentaries, scientific texts and philosophical treatises in Sanskrit, Tamil, Prakrit and Manipravalam.

Naidu emphasized that Vedanta Desikan was much more than a spiritual teacher and said that he was a multi-faceted personality– a scientist, a logician, a mathematician, a literary genius, a linguist, a military strategist and much more.

Pointing out that one of the essential features of Sri Vedant Desikan’s philosophy was the aspect of inclusion, Naidu said that anyone, irrespective of caste and creed could join the Sri Vaishnava fold. ‘This is a truly democratizing movement that obliterated caste distinctions’, he added.

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