Here are the list of winners!

Brilliante’ – the 2nd edition of Nagaland Piano Festival which began on 29th October at Regional Centre Of Excellence For Music & Performing Arts (RCEMPA), Jotsoma, Kohima in Nagaland had 102 pianist participating

Here are the list of winners!
Category A (Junior):
Winner: Chandni Kausika
1st runners-up: Methshewe-ü Lohe
2nd runners-up: Rokosito Hozoyeh
Category B (Senior)
Winner: Shantanu Bhupendra Patel
1st runners-up: Anuvrat Choudhary
2nd runners-up: Ayide Koza
Audience choice award: Ayide Koza

Congratulations to all the winners and the participants for the beautiful display of your talents. Nothing but good wishes and prayers to you all!
~ Team Brillante
The Festival is organized by the Brillante event team.
Photo Source: FB page of Nagaland Piono Festival