In case of any price discrepancies or price hike, members of the public can lodge complaints at mobile no.8638406156

In view of increasing complaints against the price rise of essential commodities, the Cachar district administration has come out with a list containing details of stock position and wholesale as well as retail prices of essential items. The administration has now made available the fixed prices of vegetables, fruits, fish and chicken items for the dissemination of information to the general public and that the list would be widely circulated in the social media and through other means of communication.
“This step has been taken to remove any discrepancies and miscommunication on this matter. In case of any price discrepancies or price hike, members of the public can lodge complaints at mobile no.8638406156,” said an official of the administration.
The administration has warned of stringent action against the unscrupulous elements trying to hike prices of essentials by taking advantage of the corona pandemic situation and also trying to create artificial scarcity to make money hand over fist. “Strict monitoring will be carried out to keep a tab on the prices and anyone found hiking prices over and above the fixed rates will be severely dealt with,” added the official.