199 waste-to-energy projects for generation of Biogas/BioCNG/Power based on Urban, industrial, agricultural waste and Municipal Solid Waste have been successfully established in the country.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing the scheme “Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes/ Residues” for promoting of setting up of waste-to-energy plants to recover energy in the form of Biogas or BioCNG or Power from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Waste / Residues for meeting certain niche energy demands of urban, industrial and commercial sectors in the country. The scheme provides Central Financial Assistance in the form of back-ended subsidy to developers for setting up of such projects.
A total capacity of 56.34 MW has been set up for power generation from waste garbage/material during last three years and current year in the country.
So far 199 waste-to-energy projects for generation of Biogas/BioCNG/Power based on Urban, industrial, agricultural waste and Municipal Solid Waste have been successfully established in the country.

This information was provided by Union Minister of State (IC) New & Renewable Energy, Power and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship R.K. Singh, in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha on 21st November.