No cancer patient from Barak Valley will have to go outside for treatment

Airport Authority of India (AAI) under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project, has come forward to assist Cachar Cancer Hospital located at Meherpur, Silchar with a grant of Rs.11.40 crore for establishing nuclear medicine facility for the treatment of cancer patients.
Earlier on 06.09.2018, Airport Director, Silchar Airport handed over a cheque of Rs.3,34,27,388 (3.34 crore), as the first installment to Padmashree Dr. Ravi Kannan, Director of Cachar Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (CCHRC) through DC, Cachar as per MoU.

In this regard, a team from AAI, Silchar Airport visited Cachar Cancer Hospital and Research Centre on Thursday to take stock of the work in progress. P.K.Gorai, Airport Director expressed his satisfaction regarding the progress in work. Dr. Ravi Kannan while appreciating the financial help and constant support extended by the AAI said with the provision of nuclear medicine facility, no cancer patient from Barak Valley will have to go outside for treatment. CCHRC has set a goal for movement towards cancer-free Cachar.
In 2017 also AAI extended a grant of Rs 76 lakh under CSR for upgrading the pathology laboratories and recently in February 2021 donated an Ambulance to CCHRC.