On a bright and beautiful sunny Monday morning of the 6th of August 1945 , the beautiful city of Hiroshima was reduced to an actual picture of hell

Hiroshima is a day not of celebration but of a day of remembrance. Millions of souls lost their lives due to the catastrophic explosion. On a bright and beautiful sunny Monday morning of the 6th of August 1945 , the beautiful city of Hiroshima was reduced to an actual picture of hell. 80,000 died instantly, and by the end of the year of 1945 another 60,000 succumbed to radiation poisoning and other dreadful injuries, bringing the death toll to 140,000, out of a total population of 300,000.
The uranium fueled bomb made in a devilish design to maximize the devastation was detonated at 8.15 a.m. Even after this devastation , the Americans did not step behind for a further attack. On 9th August 1945, they dropped the FEROCIOUS MONSTER on Nagasaki. The nuclear blast annihilated Nagasaki and killed 73,884.
Some facts related to the Hiroshima and Ngasaki incident :
- The US Air Force dropped pamphlets to warn citizens of the attack.
- The Flame of Peace in Hiroshima, Japan has burned since 1964 in honor of the victims and will be extinguished only when all nuclear weapons are removed from the world and the Earth is free from nuclear threat.
- In 1945, a man named Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima, dragged himself into an air-raid shelter, spent the night there, in the morning caught a train so he could arrive at his job on time in Nagasaki, where he survived another atomic blast
- The Oleander flower, has been named as the official flower as it was the first flower to bloom after 1945.
- The Gingko Biloba species of trees which is 270 million years old is the only living being which survived the attack
- The closest known survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bomb was in a basement only 170m (560 ft) from ground zero.