Third anniversary of takeover of BBCI

On the occasion of the third anniversary of the takeover of Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute (BBCI) by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, as a unit of Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, a slew of facilities were inaugurated at the hospital. A dedicated haematolymphoid malignancy ward with facility for ventilator and haematopoetic stem cell transplant ward was inaugurated. The institute also introduced a tissue compensator for tele Cobalt based radiotherapy of patients with head and neck cancers. Also, a Familial Cancer Clinic was started for counselling of breast cancer patients initially and later for other cancers. The Familial Cancer Clinic is a joint research initiative of the National Centre for Disease Informatics Research, BBCI, and AIIMS, New Delhi. After the inaugural ceremonies, an official journal of BBCI was launched by Dr. Amal Chandra Kataki as its founder Editor In-Chief.

According to Dr. Amal Chandra Kataki, Director of BBCI, the institute has recently appointed specialists in transfusion medicine, haemato pathology, and haemato-oncology for up gradation of patient care services. And with the introduction of these new facilities, the institute will strive to become the first government funded hospital of the region to perform stem cell or bone marrow transplant within the next six months. This procedure requires an intensive resource dedicated team and support. The tissue compensator is one of its kind technology that will minimize radiation induced toxicity to the skin in head and neck cancers. The journal Annals of Oncology Research and Therapy will be the first oncology journal in North East India. The new oncology journal will publish high quality research papers on cancer from national and international cancer researchers. It is hoped that this new oncology journal will be a high impact journal in years to come, further informing Dr. Kataki.

A newly constructed paying cabin was also inaugurated in the presence of family members of Hitendra Nath Goswami, Speaker of Assam Legislative Assembly. This facility has been created with financial support from Goswami and it is dedicated in memory of his parents. As per Dr.Kataki, such support for an institutional building by the public representative is highly commendable and worthy of emulation by others, as institutional building can be part of nation building.