The slave trade seized millions of Africans from their homeland to deport and enslave them in different parts of the world from 6th to 20th century

It was the day 23 August 1791, in Saint-Domingue when the beginning of the the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade was marked. UNESCO celebrates this year the 25th anniversary of the “Slave Route Project: Resistance, Liberty, Heritage” which offers the opportunity for collective consideration of the historic causes.
The slave trade seized millions of Africans from their homeland to deport and enslave them in different parts of the world from 6th to 20th century, has already been known to all. In order not to forget this tragedy, UNESCO launched in 1994 in Ouidah (Benin), The Slave Route Project: Resistance, Liberty, Heritage whose aim is to meet the historical and moral obligation of tackling in a holistic, methodical and consensual manner In paying tribute, on August 23rd of each year, all who fought this oppression, UNESCO wishes to foster reflection and debate on this tragedy that has left its mark on the world as it is today.
The Director-General of UNESCO invites the Ministers of Culture of all Member States to organize events and encourage young people to participate in the events.
Furthermore, it especially engages the younger generations who have appropriated this legacy and who are fully mobilized in the struggle against racism and discrimination, lingering effects of this history.