A woman of all religion around the world has something or other story attached to such sensitive thing.

Imphal 9th March: Has anyone thought over about the very shunned word “menstruation?” A woman of all religion around the world has something or other story attached to such sensitive thing. At times there are still practices going on how one should maintain her so call life during these “five days”. Our society has never let female share her stories that openly.
In some religion women are not allowed to go inside the kitchen. She has to remain aloof. No one even bothers how she suffers during these days.
Our embedded traditions made every girl child use clothes since many years. It is then the gift of sanitary pads which has finally made it safer and secure for all girls.
It is indeed a matter of pride to have one such activist who is constantly fighting against the so call myths, taboos and a big stigma revolving around the word “Menstruation” in our society. Urmila Chanam , origin of Manipur, who is presently campaigning with her numerous workshops taking place in almost 11 states with its global campaign named “ BREAKING THE SILENCE”. This year the theme is on “Advocacy and Governance”.
This multiple award winning campaign has now partnered along with Star of Hope Transformation Centre and Turn Trash to Treasure(TTTT) ,a Nigerian based organisation which works in the field of empowering women, addressing issues like livelihood and domestic violence, to begin its work in Africa from this coming June.
Founder and social worker Urmila Chanam, a Meitei chanu opined that the trainings in Nigeria would be conducted to the people of Nigeria in their local dialect and English i.e English and Yoruba.
“E maa dake, E soro sita, Eje nkan oshu kii saimo!”, means ” break the silence menstrual blood is not impure”, she shared.
She further expressed that Olutosin Oladosu Adebowale, Founder of Star of Hope Transformation centre is a longtime friend, advisor and supporter of Breaking the Silence and this very partnership is the mark of global sisterhood.