Post Office is really in shambles as some of the staff behave according to their whims as if the people are at the mercy of these staff

Haflong Main Post Office, once the pride of Haflong town as it has the history of good and efficient services of the employees but of late this Post Office has become a place of harassment due to indifference attitude of the officials right from high-ups, alleged conscious citizens of Haflong.
Though there have been citizens charter hanged on the wall of the office building the officials never adhere to the citizen charter wherein time for works were specified according to the nature of the works.
There have been allegations that since the employees of PO were Central Government employees, none can hold them responsible for any misconduct to the PO goers. The attitude of the officials of PO seemed to harass the common people those who visit PO with excuses like shortage of staff and even shortage of stationery goods. The printing machine often remains out of order thereby delaying the up-date of passbooks etc. People had to approach several times to get simple works to be done.
Some other victims of the harassment said Post Office is really in shambles as some of the staff behave according to their whims as if the people are at the mercy of these staff. It is also learnt that many people closed down their accounts due to such dillydallying attitude of the officials.
The Post Master A Hagjer who joined very recently said he has been communicating with high officials at Silchar for posting more staff so that no one suffers to get the services.
People are of the opinion that the High ups at Silchar found to be reluctant to solve the issues relating to the public services at Haflong Post Office for the reasons best known to them.
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