To enhance the strengths, the youth needs skills of morality, credibility and accountability with abilities of head and heart and knowledge of the self, told the motivational speaker Goel

“To search for a solid solution of unemployment, we should adopt entrepreneurship in the service sector which has opportunities for Indian youth,” opined former Vice Chancellor Professor M.M. Goel, presently Advisor Public Finance 6th State Finance Commission Haryana and Kurukshetra based Needonomist. He was addressing the participants of an Industrial Motivational Campaign for Youth (IMC-Y) at Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions (TERII) here today organised by MSME-Development Institute Karnal on the topic “Entrepreneurship in Service Sector of India”. Dr. Sagar Gulati Director TERII delivered a welcome address and presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. Goel.

For becoming job giver instead of job seeker, we have to adopt entrepreneurship in the tourism sector capable of doing wonders with the highest employment multiplier, said Prof. Goel.
He believes that the revival of the economy depends on the wheels of digital infrastructure and artificial intelligence into the business processes.
To be motivated for self-employment, we have to understand, analyse, interpret and adopt e-marketing with ample opportunities including empowerment of consumers with a competitive advantage, believes Goel.
To enhance the strengths, the youth needs skills of morality, credibility and accountability with abilities of head and heart and knowledge of the self, told the motivational speaker Goel.

We have to be aware, alert, awake for challenges in e-marketing and remain enthusiastic by becoming unique to face the competition, told Prof. Goel.
Entrepreneurship can be people friendly and socially beneficial only if undertaken in accordance with NAW (Need, Affordability and Worth) approach of marketing falling in the domain of needonomics, said Prof. Goel.