There is huge potential for income generation

C. Dory Yanthan, DFO encouraged the participants of the three-day training/skill development programme and stated that fish contributes immensely to human nutrition and she urged the participants to go for large scale fish farming and also encouraged the young people to join the industry because there is huge potential for income generation and demand for domestic consumption.
The programme was organized by Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Government of Nagaland for the fish farmers of Kohima District on the topic “Recent Advances in Aquaculture” from 13th-15th November 2019 at Government Fish Farm, Thizama.
During the training, the farmers were trained on ‘pre stocking management & post stocking management’ ‘integrated fish farming, fish disease and composite fish farming’ ‘fish processing’ and ‘field demonstration on method of feed preparation, manuring, water parameters, plankton estimation’
Fifty farmers actively attended the training. Among the participants Vinyu Yiese, Kohima Village shared his fish farming experience and urged his fellow participants to give their 100 percent effort in this venture for more income generation.