The government has planned Rs 6875 crore for the formation and mobilization of 10000 Farmers’ Producers Organizations across the country

Marking the success of Indian Agriculture self sufficiency 75 years after independence as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava, the International Conference on “Harnessing Indian Agriculture for Indigenous and Global Prosperity ” 2022 opened in a graceful ceremony, on Friday.
Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar presided over the programme.
Maneesh Gobin, Attorney General, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security. Mauritius graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Other dignitaries viz. Dinesh Kulkarni, National Organization Secretary, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, Dr Jalpathi Rao, All India Chairman, BAERC, Dr T Mohapatra, Secretary DARE, and Director General, ICAR, Dr AK Singh, DDG ICAR, and Dr Makarand Karkare, BAERC shared the dais. At the outset, Chief Guest accompanied by programme president, Union Minister, Tomar, and other dignitaries lit lamps to mark the opening of the conference. The proceedings were conducted by Dr Ashutosh Murkute, Principal Scientist, ICAR – CCRI, Nagpur
Inaugural speech by Padmashree Professor Ratan Lal, USA, winner of the Japan Prize (2019) and The World Food Prize (2020) delivered the inaugural speech highlighting the challenges and future possibilities through a powerpoint presentation.
Chief Guest on the occasion Attorney General and Minister Of Agro Industry And Food Safety, Maneesh Gobin appreciated the joint initiative taken by the elite agricultural organizations of India targeting the global needs of future for food security and agricultural reforms to become self reliant. He talked on five points relating India to Mauritius as blood relatives. Being a member of a farmers’ family he expressed his great fullness towards the organizers for giving him the honour of being chief guest of an international conference and sharing the dais with the Union Minister of Agriculture of India. He urged the august gathering of Scientists, Research Experts, Planners, Progressive Farmers as well people from different organizations of farmers to focus on developing a food security strategic alliance so that strategic cooperation between nations can enable governments to cope with serious circumstances like food supply lapses occurs during war or pandemic like situations. He also emphasized sharing knowledge about the strengths and potential of knowledge sharing, trade, and commerce between two nations especially on strengthening blue economy by developing possibilities of aquaculture of inland as well as ocean water.
Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar highlighted the importance of the agriculture sector in strengthening the Indian economy and outlined the role of farmers and scientists in gaining self sufficiency in food production. Accepting that Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy he said from time to time required reforms and development were made believing that the agriculture sector can help in maintaining self-sustenance.
Appreciating farmers for their hardship and foresightedness in combating crises during the covid lockdown period and during this period farmers facing all odds have increased agro production by nearly double. Union Minister, Tomar further said the Government of India has initiated various programs focusing on agriculture development and farmers’ welfare. As per the wish of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi the Kisan Samman Nidhi has been initiated and till now crores (cr.) of farmers are being given honorarium in their accounts.
Emphasizing the need for developing attraction in farming as employment for urban graduates to develop agriculture as profit making enterprise we have to focus on developing production centers, productivity enhancement research centers, and also research centers for enhancing the income of small and marginal farmers. The government has planned Rs 6875 crore for the formation and mobilization of 10000 Farmers’ Producers Organizations across the country.

Union Minister Tomar further highlighted the ongoing programs initiated with State Governments with technical expertise if ICAR, BAERC, and other farmers organizations of India like Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, said we are focused to gain self sufficiency in pulses and oil seed production so that India can become total self reliant in Agriculture.
Dinesh Kulkarni national Organization Secretary BKS welcomes guests, eminent scientists planners, agro-economists, and researchers from different parts of the world to attend the conference online and is physically present. Mentioning priority sectors of BKS he said since inception we are working on Organic Farming, Good Soil and Water Health, Sustainable and well managed utilization of natural resources, chemical inputs, etc.
Expanding the vision BKS has initiated works on different allied sectors like entrepreneurship, legal and legislative reforms, etc.
Dr T Mohapatra, Secretary DARE, and DG ICAR welcomed guests, participants from different countries, and also delegates attending the conference online representing different countries. He said that India becoming self reliant in grain production is also working on attaining self sufficiency in the production of pulses and oil production. Citing works being carried out by ICAR in different parts of the country to achieve goals.
Highlighting challenges Dr. Mohapatra emphasized developing the right perception in society about ongoing practices like burning of crop residue, excessive use of fertilizers, unjustified exploitation of natural resources, etc. He said to change perception and use of environment friendly practices the ICAR has initiative work and in the last six years, we have had successes in reducing 85 percent of burning residue with round the clock monitoring using 6 to 7 satellites on areas affected due to pollution in Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, and other affected states.
Emphasising on need of bringing more and more investment into the agriculture sector he said agriculture research in India has the highest returns of over 10 times. He also highlighted steps being taken up to enhance the agricultural education system and projects being carried out to involve farmers in the process.
Dr. Jalpathi Rao, All India Chairman, BEARC, and Dr AK Singh, Deputy Director General, ICAR also shared their views on the occasion. Dr Makarand Karkare proposed the vote of thanks.
The two days international conference is being organised by Bhartiya Agro Economic Research Centre and Bhartiya Kisan Sangh in collaboration with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The two days event is taking place at the National Agricultural Science Complex, ICAR, New Delhi, India on July 22 and 23, 2022.
On the occasion of the international conference, a National Level Essay writing competition was organized in three different categories i.e. for UG & Pg Students and Young scientists of NARS. There was a huge response to the competition across the country and twelve winners in all categories were awarded cash prizes with the highest prize money of Rs 21 thousand.