Millions of people around the world were inspired in large part by 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was instrumental in starting the movement of the global climate strike in the pacific Islands. This inspired people in Australia, Japan, South East Asia and then on to Europe , Africa, Middle East and America

Urgent action to avert an environmental catastrophe has become the need of the day. Realising this critical environmental situation , hundreds of thousands of students and workers left their schools, colleges and workplace and marched along the city streets around the globe.
The 16 year old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg was instrumental in starting the movement of the global climate strike in the pacific Islands. This inspired people in Australia, Japan, South East Asia and then on to Europe , Africa, Middle East and America.

In the countries where demonstrations took place, all protestors had their individual targets; from rising sea levels in the Solomon Islands, toxic waste in South Africa, to air pollution and plastic waste in India and coal expansion in Australia.
But the overall message was – a strong demand for an urgent action to cut emissions and stabilise the climate
Nearly 100,000 people joined the demonstration in London.

The strike would end up in New York where Greta Thunberg, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize would organize a rally at the UN headquarters on September 23. Professors from around 150 countries are appealing to the governments to take steps to minimize the harmful affects of manmade climate changes.

Thunberg launched the “Fridays For Future” movement – or School Strike for Climate (as it says in Swedish on her sign) in 2018. She encouraged thousands of school students to skip classes and compel the governments to take corrective steps for climate change.