He brought to the notice of the Minister the high prevalence of tobacco consumption in the State of Mizoram (58.7%), which is one of the single most important risk factors for cancer

The Health Minister of Mizoram Dr. R Lalthangliana paid a visit to Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati today and was accompanied by Dr. Z R Thiamsanga, Vice Chairman, Health & Family Welfare Board, Mizoram. While welcoming the dignitaries to BBCI, Dr. A C Kataki Director informed about the NCDIR-ICMR report on cancer. Aizawl District has recorded the highest incidence of cancer in males (269.4 per lakh of the population) and 2nd highest incidence of cancer in females (214 per lakh of the population) in the country.
Cancer of the stomach, lung, cervix, etc. has recorded a very high incidence of cancer in the State. He brought to the notice of the Minister the high prevalence of tobacco consumption in the State of Mizoram (58.7%), which is one of the single most important risk factors for cancer. As per the report, 44% of all cancers in males and 24% of all cancers in females in Mizoram are tobacco related cancers.
During the last three years, BBCI treated 202 patients from Mizoram. Dr. Kataki apprised about various treatment facilities and academic courses conducted by the Institute. Two doctors, 9 paramedical students, and 2 nurses from Mizoram have completed various academic courses conducted by BBCI. A total of 122 patients from Mizoram had to go outside the North Eastern Region for treatment of Cancer every year as per the NCDIR-ICMR report.

The laid emphasis for collaboration on human resource generation in oncology between BBCI and Govt. of Mizoram for the benefit of the upcoming advanced cancer center in the State of Mizoram. He also stressed technology transfer and research collaboration. The Minister profusely appreciated the role played by BBCI in North-East India for cancer treatment, education and research. The Health Minister also released the January-July 2022 issue of the journal ‘Annals of Oncology Research and Therapy’. Dr. R Lalthangliana and Dr. Z R Thiamsanga have presented the book ‘Principles and Practice of Oncology’ and ‘Triple C in Cancer’ published by BBCI. The science magazine ‘BBCI Edge’ was also presented to the dignitaries by the senior faculties.
Dr. B B Borthakur, Deputy Director (Admin.), Dr. M Bhattacharyy, Deputy Director (Research), Dr. D Barmon, Deputy Director (Academics), Dr. Minoti Baruah, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Munlima Hazarika, head of department (HoD) of Medical Oncology, Dr. A K Kalita, HoD (Radiation Oncology), Dr. Anupam Sarma, HoD (Onco-Pathology), Dr T Rahman, HoD (Head & Neck Oncology), Dr. Ashok Kr. Das, Dr. R J Das, Dr. Anupam Das, Dr. Deep Jyoti Kalita, Mr. MSN Rajasekhar, Dr. K. Bhagabaty, and Dr. Manigreeva Krishnatreeya, Mr. Jyotish Deka, Mr. Kamaleswar Kalita were also present on the occasion. The Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, Guwahati M S Tluanga Fanchun also graced the occasion.
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