Grandparenting requires flexibility, adaptability, patience and commitment, says Prof. M.M. Goel

“Grandparenting is a journey of love requiring flexibility, adaptability, patience and commitment,” said former Vice Chancellor Professor M.M. Goel, presently Advisor 6th State Finance Commission Haryana. He was speaking as the chief guest of the virtual Grandparents Day Celebration of The Indian Heights School Sector-23, Dwarka New Delhi today. Principal Archana Narain welcomed and presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. Goel.
Grandparents are the foundation with human values to prove to be the roots of the entire family, told Prof. Goel.
To love, teach and inspire grandchildren for pursuing their dreams is the opportunity for the grandparents to justify their relevance for all times to come, said Prof. Goel.
The technology is playing a crucial role in strengthening the relationships through videoconferencing and social media on a daily basis, believes Prof. Goel.
Children tend to enjoy enormous love and unwavering support from their grandparents and have lasting positive effects on their emotional well-being, told Prof. Goel.
It has been revealed by the research studies that spending quality time with grandchildren has a positive impact on grandparents’ emotional quotient too and can protect them against depression, boost brain function and lead to much fulfilling life, explained Prof. Goel.