Decoding the importance of communication for the Indian Millennials of today

Life is zipping ahead at a very high speed. Changes in technology and lifestyle dominate our lives. Parameters of work-life balance, perceptions of society are all undergoing a sea of change. As the digital world increasingly disrupts our routine, we are hurtling head along into a virtual world led existence and relationships. What does the future hold in store for the communication world? Does today’s Millennial behave differently? How important therefore is communications for today’s Millennial?
“Millennials and the generations that follow are shaping technology. This generation has grown up with computing in the palm of their hands. They are more socially and globally connected through mobile Internet devices than any prior generation. And they don’t question; they just learn,” Brad. D. Smith had once quoted to explain the millennials.
This quote can perhaps be considered as the best description for this new tribe of human beings in the future, the movers and shakers of society tomorrow- The Millennial. They are a segment of the society which is sought after by marketers and future builders alike. It’s eerie, almost magical a quantum leap by humanity in terms of intelligence and response leveraged by the computer and internet revolution.
A Millennial is a person reaching young adulthood in the early twenty-first century. So what makes them different from their predecessors? Basically, the tipping point of evolution which is the digitally connected world we live in today. India keeping pace with the rest of the world due to rapid computerization is leading to newer ways of creation and adoption. Many of Indian computer experts are in high demand in the rest of the world. By 2020 computers and digital technology will rule our lives. There already are smart TVs, smart cars and smart washing machines in India and smart-phones running our lives.
So how does it affect the Millennials? How different are they from us. What are their perceptions of life and more importantly the importance of communications?
Importance of Communication
Sonali Gupta (name changed on request) says, “I think that communications is not a deliberate act but happens. Youth like me do not like ‘forced’ communication. I prefer something that happens naturally.”
Most Millennials feel that communication is important but do not feel that people understand them. She adds, “Just because I am sitting with friends and family and using my Smartphone, I should not be misunderstood as a recluse. We need to understand that there are many tools of communication, including the Smartphone that I am using.”

With whom do the Millennials communicate?
Friends top the list for the millennials. Family and work-related communication come in much later. Of course, this behaviour is heavily influenced by the popularity of social media mainly on Facebook and Instagram.
“Today’s communication is location neutral as you can communicate with your friends wherever they are by just a quick post on FB. Further, you can ‘like’ or ‘comment’ on their post also” says Dipika Ganju (Name changed on request)
Even if you don’t meet for many months the youth keep connected. In fact, they believe that one’s ‘Net worth’ is one’s ‘Network’!
Preferred Medium of communication
Today’s medium of communication has changed from monologue to dialogue. Participative communication is not just in vogue but also the most preferred and the most consumed.
In the world of communications, there is always a tug between traditional media and digital media. Although more and more people use digital media, traditional media like print and electronic are seeing exponential growth.
“I have not read a newspaper in years,” says Rakesh Tare (Name changed) a media professional. He adds, “But I always recommend newspaper advertising to a client. Actually what works for our clients is a logical mix of traditional and digital media. Sometimes depending on our target audience, there is a duplication of media.”
Communicating with friends and elders
“We are seamlessly connected with friends almost 24×7 in both real and virtual world. Communicating with our elders is less frequent for we find the subject of communication a bit rigid,” explains Rohit Khanna (Name changed on request) a student.
Most of the people communicated with felt that verbal communication in today’s world means multiple communications and has endless possibilities especially with digital enablement. So you could be talking to elders at home but also be talking to a friend on WhatsApp. You could be watching a movie with friends but also updating your post on FaceBook.
Communication reduces friction between stakeholders
It is an established fact that if you don’t communicate, you lose connect and estrange yourself from people you are usually connected to. Lesser communication often leads to friction creation.
“Millennials like to comment on everything and often offer their views and suggestions. This has been responsible for a sudden rise in the numbers of NGOs, citizen journalists and participative panel programmes. This is where there is no over communication. Therefore the friction amongst stakeholders drastically goes down,” says Dipal Shaw (Name changed on request), a Communications Practitioner
The future of communications
Technology and digital development in communications are really going to drive the future of communications. The Millennial wants more and wants different. The ways information and communication are changing very rapidly. 3D projections, virtual and augmented reality, the list is endless as new options appear every day.
“Visuals are going to play a major role in communications,” says Dipal Shaw. He reveals, “Press releases are passé. Infographics and video releases are more effective. Digital influencers have suddenly become a force to reckon with. Experience is the new mode of getting customers on board across product domains and categories. Therefore activations and events are becoming increasingly popular”
He goes on to add, “I could never imagine a few years ago that I could talk face to face with my girlfriend. Today, I just reach out and chat when I want to on a video call on my phone.”
Adding to that Kiran Vora (name changed on request) a college student, says, “I can only imagine that such communication will evolve and new medium and methods will be created to communicate”

Interestingly, our outreach and focus group discussions especially initiated to get you a slice of what Millennial really feel and think, one thing is very clear – Communications is indeed of great importance to all Millennials. Besides this, friends are right on the top of the main people the Millennials compete with. The smartphone is the most important medium of communication though in terms of consumption of commercial communications it’s a mix of traditional and digital media. Social media has really lubricated multi-communications. Friends though remain the first choice. Direct and interactive communication impacts the Millennials. The communications today are perceived to be too direct. One would prefer a more subtle and interactive communication. No communication increases friction but seamless and sustained communication decreases friction between stakeholders was the unanimous opinion. The future of communication is perceived by Millennials to be bright but with huge expectations of better technology and better advancement.
Good communication for a Millennial is a must have although the methods of communication have changed hugely. And will continue to change.
So, given this situation do Millennials communicate more mindfully?
Yes. The world has changed and you are the main change – It is true that the Millennials are leading world change especially in communication. It is also true that this change is the only constant. However, take stock of changes and be on top of the latest technology. Use technology to your fullest advantage and communicate more effectively in general. Ride the digital gravy train!
Let not the digital conversations take over real conversations- As humans; we were born to interact and socialize. Over-reliance on digital communication and conversations is now having a negative effect. People are losing a sense of reality. How many times do you see friends or family out for dinner and not talking to each other but lost in their phones? Or people out for a vacation not seeing the view and enjoying it but rather capturing the moments for social media? You need to balance and not overindulge.
Everything is not there to share on social media- Sharing your personal moments on social media is a plus but not everything needs to be shared on social media too? There are etiquettes to follow and norms of privacy too, both for you and your friends and audience. Unknown to you there are many unwanted people who also watch and keep track. It’s almost like changing your clothes in a house made of glass in a heavily crowded area!
Freedom comes with responsibility- Many forget to draw the line where it comes to freedom of expression. Can your comment stir up negativity can it hurt the feelings of others, especially certain communities? It’s easy to write your views on a blog and vent out your feelings and feel very happy about it. But as they say ‘it remains in writing’. Do reflect. Will you want to delete this comment later? Is it a complaint you wrote on the Facebook in anger and then will regret later? Be mindful and be responsible when you express yourself.
Now, look at how the business of mass communications is rapidly evolving for the Millennial-
More niche communication: Millennials want to take educated and conscious decisions. Therefore communication needs to be more niche, focused and logic driven not just full of claims and promises but real true fact based. More importantly, where digital content is being consumed hungrily, keep track of single-minded messaging. Be steady, be consistent, and be relevant.
Less verbose: Millennials have very little time so marketers and PR people, shrink your content. Don’t go on and on. Today’s people want to just get down to the point. Take them there and not far away from the crux of the issue. Communicate effectively. Craft your words carefully. Communicate to drive the message right home.
More participative: Today’s modern communications consumer wants to have a say and hates monologue. Try that when you communicate with this segment of the population you aim to be more participate Two way communication is always more effective.
The language of communication has changed: Traditional flowery communication is history. The language of modern communication has different words which need to be used. Your salvo of words needs to resonate with the rapidly evolving Millennial who has a plethora of communication beaming at him from the world over. It needs you to understand your target better. Each segment of Millennials has their own language. Age, education and domain language, all have their own nuances
Each state in India is a country in itself – We are a country of Millennials with our own peculiarities. As they say, each state in India is a country of its own with its own language, culture, traditions and food. Therefore it is important to remember these nuances in your communication. A modern Millennial with a traditional mindset is what makes us young India today.

Hinglish rules – In today’s communication ‘Hinglish’ rules. Look around carefully. Most taglines are in Hinglish. Check out TV the commercials are a mix of Hindi and English. Hear people talk in the streets more and more Hinglish everywhere. As someone was saying “Hinglish is now emerging as the new Indian mother tongue universal across India”. However, this trend is cascading to regional languages as well. So very soon ‘Tamlish’, ‘Benglish’, ‘Marathish’ are also cooking on the slow fire.
Communications is critical for today’s Indian Millennial, but the ways of communications, style, methods, messaging and medium are undergoing a drastic change.
It is an ongoing transition, an evolving phenomenon which is changing the way we live, work and do business in today’s world.