All the appointed speakers dwelt at length a brief life sketch of Prime Minister and his tenure of twenty years in politics as Chief Minister and Prime Minister

Commemorating the 71st birthday of Prime Minister Naraendra Modi, Dima Hasao District Bharatiya Janata Party organized Intellectual meet at District Library Auditorium on Thursday.
Chief Executive Member, N C Hills Autonomous Council Debolal Gorlosa graced the occasion as chief guest along with Ranu Langthasa, Chairperson, Nandita Gorlosa, MLA, Arun Teran, State Executive member, Donpainan Thaosen, District BJP President, Nipolal Hojai, EM, Hamjanan Langthasa, Convenor and former District BJP President as guests of homour and special invitee.
Chief Executive Member, N C Hills Autonomous Council Debolal Gorlosa in his speech stressed on the importance of preserving of heritage remains of the past and remaining neat and clean not only outside but also the inner soul.
All the appointed speakers dwelt at length a brief life sketch of Prime Minister and his tenure of twenty years in politics as Chief Minister and Prime Minister. They said Prime Minister’s farsightedness and concern of each and every citizen of great Nation, India or Bharat. They also mentioned various schemes like Swacch Bharat, Ayusmanetc. which have benefitted mass people irrespective of caste, creed, and religion.
Chief Executive Member, N C Hills Autonomous Council Debolal Gorlosa talking to media said ‘we had required a Prime Minister like Modiji twenty years back. If we had a prime minister like Modiji we would become a citizen of far more advanced country’