The existing lockdown measures have been extended from 17th September up to 30th September 2021 in Kohima District

In pursuance of the directive issued by Home Department, NSDMA, Government of Nagaland vide No. NSDMA-ER-COVID19/301/2020(Part-II) dated the 16th September 2021 and in continuation to this office order of even number dated 13.05.2021, 21.05.2021, 31.05.2021, 11.06.2021, 18.06.2021, 30.06.2021, 10.07.2021, 17.07.2021, 01.08.2021, 18.08.2021 and 02.09.2021, the DC & Chairman DTF, Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie has informed that the existing lockdown measures have been extended from 17th September up to 30th September 2021 in Kohima District, with further relaxations and re-opening of more activities as under:
- 100% attendance is permitted in all the Government offices subject to adherence to COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, and fulfilment of the requirements for vaccination/testing for attendance in the office, in line with the provisions as contained in order No. NSDMA-ER- COVID19/301/2020/(Part-II)/5515 dated 17.07.2021, and the modifying order dated 31.07.2021, for the attendance in the office of the employees/staff of Nagaland Civil Secretariat and Directorates.
- The conduct of regular classes in all the schools in the rural areas of the District for the students of Class V up to Class X shall be allowed with 50% attendance and adherence of all the provisions of the SOP to be issued by the Home Department.
- With regard to the urban areas of the District, all the schools for the students of Class V up to Class X shall be allowed to open for regular classes with 50% attendance, w.e. f 1st October 2021 subject to the adherence of all the provisions as contained in the SOP to be issued by the Home Department.
- Shops and business establishments shall be allowed to open from 06:00 AM to 08:00 PM.
- Offline classes for the Polytechnics for the session July-December 2021 will be allowed to open subject to compliance to the provision of the SOP issued vide order No. GAB-I/COM/GEN- 4/2020 dated 19.07.2021, and the addendum dated 01.08.2021, for re-opening of colleges and technical institutions for the conduct of regular classes for students, as applicable.
- Night curfew shall be in force from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM.
- Swimming pools and cinema shall be allowed to open with 50% capacity, and subject to adherence to COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, and further adherence to the provision of SOP to be issued by the Home Department.
The dates from which re-opening of activities/ relaxations as in Para ‘ii’, ‘iii’ and ‘vii’ will be effective/permitted will be notified in the SOPs concerned to be issued by the Home Department shortly.
Any action (s) in contravention to the laid down regulation shall deem to have committed an offence punishable under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code and relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
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