Leveraging beekeeping as a catalyst for sustainable agricultural practices in Manipur

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Bees, with their vital role in pollination, offer a natural solution to enhance yields and promote soil health, acting as a much-needed fertilizer

Biswadeep Gupta

In a programme centered around “The Role of Beekeeping in Shaping Development in Manipur,” members of the All Manipur Beekeeping Association (AMBA) gathered at Mongjam Mamang Leikai, Imphal East, Manipur today. The event was a pivotal exploration into leveraging beekeeping as a catalyst for sustainable agricultural practices and overall economic growth in the state.

Th. Joysana Meetei, President of AMBA, illuminated the diverse tapestry of Manipur’s biodiversity and agricultural landscape. Yet, he candidly acknowledged the hurdles posed by unpredictable weather patterns, soil degradation, and diminished crop yields. Beekeeping emerged from this discourse as a sustainable solution, promising manifold benefits for both agriculture and the broader economic development of Manipur.

Manipur faces the harsh reality of unpredictable weather adversely affecting crops and soil degradation due to unsustainable farming practices. The reliance on traditional farming methods, coupled with limited access to technology and resources, contributes to a persistently low agricultural productivity. Bees, with their vital role in pollination, offer a natural solution to enhance yields and promote soil health, acting as a much-needed fertilizer. Beekeeping thus presents a viable avenue for farmers to diversify income streams and reduce dependency on traditional crops, requiring only minimal investment.

The vision extends beyond the individual farmer. Initiatives such as establishing beekeeping cooperatives and implementing comprehensive training programs are fostering resilience and strengthening community bonds. This collective approach not only aligns with eco-friendly practices but also contributes significantly to biodiversity conservation, offering a holistic solution to Manipur’s complex agricultural challenges.

Dr. Atom Sunil Singh, Secretary of AMBA, shed light on the association’s monumental role since its establishment in 1963. AMBA acts as a bridge between beekeepers and government initiatives, tirelessly advocating for the rights and welfare of genuine beekeepers. Despite challenges in distributing schemes, AMBA ensures that the benefits reach those actively contributing to apiculture. The association serves as a platform, representing beekeepers’ interests in policy formulation and organizing skill enhancement workshops.

Genuine beekeepers affiliated with AMBA gain access to invaluable resources and sources of financial assistance. Members enjoy exclusive access to training sessions and workshops, actively participating in the expansive beekeeping network.

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