Nine Master trainers from 9 districts, Manipur based on 2011 census participated in the ASER Survey, 2022
The Annual Status of Education Report, or ASER, is an annual, citizen-led household survey that aims to understand whether children in rural India are enrolled in school and whether they are leaming. From 2005 to 2014, and then every alternate year till 2018, large-scale, nation-wide ASER surveys provided representative estimates of the enrolment status of children aged 3-16 and the basic reading and arithmetic levels of children aged 5-16 at the national, state and district level. The ASER survey is conducted by over 30,000 volunteers from more than 500 organisations across the country. By joining the ASER survey in their district, people contribute to a massive and important national effort.
India’s Largest Citizen led Education survey, ASER Survey, 2022 State Level Training begins from 4th-8th September 2022 at DSSS Mantripukhri. Nine Master trainers from 9 districts, Manipur based on 2011 census participated in the ASER Survey, 2022.
They will further train 30-60 volunteer from these 9 districts for Household Survey who are 5-16years in their foundation learning level – which includes Basic Arithmetic, Reading & English reading. 30 villages were randomly selected, 20 household (3-16yrs group) for sample data in children education.
The Survey will be held from September to November across India. Final Report to be out in 2023 January.
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