The Congress put up the most reliable and people friendly candidate Salam Joy Singh for the bye-poll of Wangoi Assembly Constituency

Chief Whip of Congress Legislative Party Govindas Konthoujam said that the Indian National Congress stood for democracy to save Manipur and to save India. The Congress put up the most reliable and people friendly candidate Salam Joy Singh for the bye-poll of Wangoi Assembly Constituency. He said, “We’ll help him. We’ll stand for him. I appeal to everyone to support him and cast your valuable vote to Salam Joy who will work for you and for the welfare of the constituency.”
He was speaking at the one-day political conference of INC candidate Salam Joy held on Sunday at Maulana Maourubi Ground, Paobitek Mayai Leikai, Wangoi Assembly Constituency on Monday.

Govindas honestly stated, “Don’t judge a candidate based on bribery. You can accept the bribe given by other parties, but to save our country, our state Manipur and democracy, we must give support to INC candidate.”
Referring to when BJP candidate O. Lukhoi Singh once wrongly mentioned the date of the poll as November 17 in his speech; Govindas, in a comic tone, appealed to the people of Wangoi to cast their valuable vote to Salam Joy on November 7, the actual date of the poll; whereas for BJP candidate O. Lukhoi Singh, the people can cast their vote on November 17.

The conference was attended by many distinguished Congress leaders including K. Ranjit MLA, N. Loken MLA, Kh. Joykisan MLA, Fajur Rahim MLA, Amin Shah, General Secretary MPCC, Hareshwar Goswami, General Secretary MPCC, Binarani, Secretary MPCC and the Congress candidate Salam Joy Singh.