Now we need to think about the future economic development of bamboo which could be a potential resource

Highlighted the urgent and pressing need of establishment of a Bambusetum in Manipur by Dr. H. Birkumar Singh, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-NEIST during the observation of World Bamboo Day on 18th September 2020 at CSIR-NEIST, Branch Laboratory, Lamphelpat, Imphal which was jointly organized with the Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS), Manipur.
He mentioned that bamboo is a traditional resource of Manipur having wide utility need from childbirth to death. Although Manipur harbours a diverse species of bamboo but till now no sustaining way of cultivation and conservation is taken up. He stressed that the economy of the state will depend upon the rich biological heritage of the state where bamboo is an important component. Prof. Amar Yumnam, Head, Department of South East Asia Studies, Manipur University who was the Chief Guest of the program focusses on the realization of bamboo being an important resource especially in Asian countries. He further said that we have plenty of bamboo in our state and it is highly used in different traditional forms. In 1992- 1993, the International Network for Bamboo has interested in the bamboo resources of Manipur and Tripura but we could not take the opportunity.
Now we need to think about the future economic development of bamboo which could be a potential resource. A scientific roadmap is needed to establish. Mayanglambam Khelendro Singh, Vice President, The Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS), Manipur and Mawung Mingthing, Secretary, The Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS), Manipur have attended the program as Guests of Honour. Keynote address of the programme was given by Dr. Atom Sunil Singh, Director, Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS), Manipur.
Dr. Atom Sunil Singh said that World Bamboo Day was officially established on September 18 at the 8th World Bamboo Congress held in Bangkok in 2009.

The programme is celebrated to raise awareness of the benefits of bamboo and to promote its use in everyday products. Bamboo is a viable replacement for wood. It can be harvest in 3-5 years versus 10-20 for most softwoods. It greatly reduces erosion with a sum of stem flow rate. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet. It has been recorded growing at an amazing 47.6 inches in a 24 hour period. Bamboo can also tolerate extreme conditions that most plants cannot. It was actually the first plant to re-green after the atomic blast in Hiroshima in 1945. Considering health benefits and it’s immune boosting properties and also good for respiratory problems, the observation of World Bamboo Day is very appropriate during COVID-19 further Dr. Atom Sunil Singh added. In Meitei tradition, once a baby is born, the baby is kept into a yangkok which is made of cane and bamboo. Bamboo is needed during childbirth, marriage and death in Meetei/Meitei society. Bamboo is closely associated with our tradition and we have separate puya for bamboo called “Waron” as mentioned by N Ratan Meetei of AIMS.