Call Applications for the next cycle of financial assistance

A charitable Trust of All Manipur Working Journalist Union (AMWJU), Paomee Welfare Foundation (PWF) on Friday disbursed its Medical Financial Assistance to five bona fide beneficiaries, worth Rs 1,42,000/- only. PWF’s team comprising its chairperson, Wangkhemcha Shamjai and Managing Trustee, Bijoy Kakchingtabam, Senior Trustee, N Tombiraj and Secretary Sunzu Bachaspatimayum handed over the financial assistance to each of the beneficiaries at a simple distribution function held at the Manipur Press Club. With the end of the phase-1 of the Medical Financial Assistance for 2020-21, PWF invites applications from bona fide journalists and retired journalists to avail its assistance for phase-2, eligible for treatment expenses incurred between 1st October – 31st March 2020.

The distribution of the phase – 1 of the assistance was carried out following the recommendations of the Medical Board of the Foundation, comprising representatives from three reputed hospitals, namely, Dr A Santa Singh, director RIMS, Dr Kh. Lokeshwar Singh and Dr. O. Guneshwar Singh of JNIMS and Shija Hospital’s managing director, Dr Kh. Palin. The first phase of assistance was eligible for medical treatment expenses incurred between 1st April to 31st September 2020 only. Leihaothabam Ajitkumar Sharma of ISTV, Pouguilung Kamei of Peoples Chronicle, Lairenlakpam Maipak Singh of Poknapham were awarded financial assistance of Rs 30,000/- (thirty thousand only) each for their treatment expenses incurred on their wives’ medical condition. Wahengbam Kumarjit of ISTV received Rs 38,000/- (thirty-eight only) as assistance towards the treatment expenditure on his wife’s medical condition. Ayekpam Birjit Meitei of Kanglapao who was recommended assistance of Rs 20,000/- by the Medical Board for his ulcer treatment was given Rs 14,000/- (fourteen thousand) only as he was previously aided with Rs 6,000/- (six thousand) from the Immediate Medical Relief Fund of PWF handed over by AMWJU on an emergency basis.

Every year, financial assistances are handed after every six months. Paomee Welfare Foundation came into being in 2017 to independently managed AMWJU’s corpus Funds of over Rs 85 lakhs, raised by way of a Mega Lottery organized in 2017 under the president-ship of Wangkhemcha Shamjai.