Dr. Th. Ranadhir Singh stated that in Manipur, the population dropped to 9,059 in 2019 from 10,131 in 2012 signaling an imminent threat to the existence of this precious magnificent breed

The Department of Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture, Imphal, and the Directorate of Research, Central Agricultural University organized a One Day Training Programme on “Scientific Mithun Husbandry Practices” on 11th February at Louphong Village, Kamjong District, Manipur.
Dr. Th. Ranadhir Singh, Principal Investigator, and Head, Department of Animal Sciences informed that the programme was organised under N.E.C., Ministry of DoNER, Government of India funded project entitled “Mithun Conservation in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Manipur. Mr. M. Shangreihao, Senior Member of the Loupong Village Authority and Dr. Th. Ranadhir Singh graced the function as Chief Guest and President respectively. The Guests of the honour of the progamme were Dr. P. Ajesh Singh, Veterinary Officer, Ukhrul and Kamjong District, Government of Manipur; Dr. K. Rashbihari Singh, Ex-Joint Director, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Government of Manipur; Mr. Mingthing Mung, Secretary, Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS), Manipur.

In the technical session, Dr. P. Ajesh Singh spoke on the topic entitled “Shelter and Feeding Requirements of Mithun in their Natural Habitat”; Dr. K. Rashbihari Singh on “Prevention and Control of Mithun Diseases” and Dr. Th. Ranadhir Singh on “Scope of Mithun Farming in Manipur” and “Selection and Breeding of Mithun for Sustainable Mithun Production”. In the function, Dr. Th. Ranadhir Singh stated that in Manipur, the population dropped to 9,059 in 2019 from 10,131 in 2012 signaling an imminent threat to the existence of this precious magnificent breed.

He further added that lack of special thrust and investment on Mithun farming as a source of income as compared to other domesticated livestock as well as lack of awareness on the part of Mithun farmers on scientific Mithun rearing as well as to conserve the dwindling species, a Mithun rearing centre is being established at Louphong in Kamjong District, Manipur under the project. About 60 (Sixty) persons participated in the training programme. Dr. Atom Sunil Singh, Director, Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS), Manipur proposed a vote of thanks to all the participants.
It can be recalled that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal and Apunba Imagi Machasing (AIMS) on Mithun Conservation and Breeding and Agricultural Activities in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur was signed by then Prof. M. Premjit Singh, Vice Chancellor, CAU with Dr. Atom Sunil Singh, and Mr. Mingthing Mung from AIMS on 16th July 2020.
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