To those valiant soldiers of Imperial Japanese and Allied Forces who made supreme sacrifice on this sacred land of Manipur

“If we don’t end the war, war will end us” H.G Wells quotes such powerful words to give us all a glimpse of such sad things as this world did to this mankind.
What could be the only way to remember and cherish those gone days with a positive note?
Kakching Runners yet again celebrates its 3rd edition of the World War II memorial run on Sunday amidst the greenery. Participants from various age groups came up with that very zeal to run along with mother nature. Nearly 2000 runners took part in various categories.
Comprising two different categories one for 21.1km. (prize run) and 10 Km which was kept as Fun Run. Having four different age category as from 1) 18 – 35 yrs; 2) 36 – 45 yrs; 3) 46 – 55 yrs; 4) 56 yrs and above.

Kakching Runners have been striving to establish healthy Kakching which includes its people, land and the environment. The mystical combination of physical, emotional and social well-being of the people along with the caring touch. Mother nature could be revived only when such activities take place which is possible only through “RUNS”
One could recall the marvellous sacrifices given by the Peace-loving people of Manipur who faced the brunt of the 1942 War. To those valiant soldiers of Imperial Japanese and Allied Forces who made supreme sacrifice on this sacred land of Manipur, Kakching Runners came up with this tribute to pay solidarity to all those families from both sides for enduring the irreparable loss of their loved ones.

It is believed that during those war days ( World War II) the only victory was made by both the allied groups of British and American transport aircraft. They flew over those greeneries supplying equipment into those airships at Imphal and Parallel(now at Kakching) until the onset of the monsoon rains. Although totally cut off by land and the town is left without any lifeline.

According to a 93-year-old woman she expressed,” Locals lost their precious life fighting against those tops and guns. Some got bombarded showering from the air.”She further expressed that organising such memorable runs not to recall that sad past but rather to pay tributes not by only giving or hearing lectures by the dignitaries, but rather in a productive way has motivated us to take good care of ourselves at any cost.
Among the dignitaries Ma. Subramanian, Minister for Health and Family Welfare of Tamil Nadu also participated in the run
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