Glocalisation a big “?” to MANKIND

Renowned Indian Film Director and lyricist Mayanglambam Romi Meitei who is also a recipient of several awards organised in India and abroad has once again touched many people’s hearts at home when his film,” Eikhoi gi Yum” was featured in Sangai Film Festival.
Talking to KRC the Director expressed that none can stop the so called globalisation process at all. Which itself is an inevitable process. One can see much development by ignoring the displacement. Since the beginning as an artist, and as a filmmaker, such issues bothered me. The main purpose to make such a movie was to highlight the issue of survival which plays an important role by ignoring consciously or unconsciously our innate cultural ties.”
He further expressed how such cultures and traditions are being automatically smitten by globalisation .

Some of his powerful shots in the film were: The camera pan on Chaoren’s dad whose eyes followed Chaoren inside their floating house.
Those powerful shots and those eye movements indeed gave a big question mark while the invisible hands of a Chaoren’s hunts for something.
Later Chaoren’s spirit of “WILL to WIN” by swimming daily across the mighty Loktak carrying his school uniform inside his bag, wrapped with blue tarpaulin polythene tied to his head.
Another shot was of “Salt” which according to the Director was used as a strong metaphorical sign which strongly signifies the economy that the community does share within.
Talking to one of the youngest viewers, an 8 year old boy shared his views on why such development needs to be done by harming poor people always. He stated, “Government makes development for the benefit of people like us, but hurting people and their livelihood was not taught in our school. Was burning the houses the only solution left for them? They should have given a small work to them to earn.”
Lastly, the message given in this magnificent 83 minutes feature film highlights the current scenario of how mankind’s man-made ideas and machines destroy their lives and their dreams which turn into a mucky picture in the end.
Globalisation would work wonders if it reduces displacing many lives by engaging them. Village lives shouldn’t get easily uprooted rather there should be a solution to mend them in a holistic way. The very question of the word “Development” at what “COST” and for “WHOM” still lingers in our minds.
Glocalisation a big “?” to MANKIND
Belonging to the isolated fishing community of Loktak lake Chaoren makes the best use of his exclusive existence by excelling in school.
When the canoe he uses every day to attend his school by swimming his way through. But when the Government issues an eviction notice demanding Chaoren’s family to leave their home, his dreams are left with the angst of a displaced person.
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