The distribution of 40,000 numbers of cotton face mask, hand washing soap and pamphlet for Agricultural advisories along with ‘know your ATMA functionaries’ to the poorer section of the farmers all across the 74 blocks will encourage social distancing and sanitation

The Department of Agriculture launched the State Nodal ATMA programme for distribution of facemask, hand washing soap and pamphlets for small and marginal farmers on 13th May at the official residence of Minister of Agriculture.
Nagaland Agriculture Minister, G. Kaito Aye said that the government is contributing its best effort to tackle the pandemic and as Agri is responsible for more than 70% of the population, field workers, farmers should be supported in any kind to help cater their needs.
He mentioned that since no vaccine has been developed till now, social distancing is the only preventive measure to tackle the virus and appealed the Agri and allied department to emphasis more on the farmers and extend the message to the field workers and farmers to maintain social distancing and extend any support particularly the women farmers.
He lauded the department for coming up with the innovative idea and concept for the farmers as a preventive measure in addressing this crisis. Aye instructed the officers that at this time of crisis they should be responsible and not wait for instruction instead to be prompt in action and prepare themselves to confront and contain the issues at their level.
He requested the department as well as the media to publicize their action plan so that everyone will be aware and be active in the event of any difficulty and get prepared for any untoward disaster.
Director Agriculture & SNO (ATMA) Nagaland, M. Ben Yanthan said that in the past few days during the lockdown, the Agriculture department has initiated few activities in which one is notable by giving Cotton Face Mask, Hand Washing Soap and Pamphlets to small & Marginal farmers including farm women from ATMA-Nagaland.
He noted that the distribution of 40,000 numbers of cotton face mask, hand washing soap and pamphlet for Agricultural advisories along with ‘know your ATMA functionaries’ to the poorer section of the farmers all across the 74 blocks will encourage social distancing and sanitation.